House Church Liturgy | March 17th

Liturgy | lit·ur·gy

  1. the work of the people.

  2. a pattern of worship practices designed to form our lives in a particular direction.

Retelling the story of Jesus through the breaking of bread, fellowship, prayers, and the scriptures, slowly seeps into our imagination, transforming who we are.

The Sunday liturgy is not particularly spectacular or necessarily a "quick fix" to the weekly struggles of life; instead, it is a slow-working cadence, done in community, allowing the Spirit to renew our minds and giving us the character of Christ.

Sometimes the liturgy may feel foreign, sometimes awkward, and other times rich and significant. Regardless, we can trust that the Spirit is at work in us through the ordinary of the gathered church.

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  • Assign someone from the House Church Community to lead communion. You can share something impacting you about the Lords Supper, or share a scripture/word for the moment, or simply read

    1 Corinthians 11v22-26.

  • Communion is primarily a feast of shared food within the community of Jesus followers. Continue communion as you eat and share life together.

    Invite a kid or student in your House Church to pray for the meal.


    Most merciful God,

    We confess that we have sinned against you

    In thought, word, and deed.

    By what we have done

    And by what we have left undone.

    We have not loved you with our whole heart.

    We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves.

    We are truly sorry, and we humbly repent.

    For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,

    Have mercy on us and forgive us;

    That we may delight in your will,

    And walk in your ways,

    To the glory of your name.



    What is often described as the Fall (Genesis 3:1-7) is the moment humanity attempted to assert our will over God’s. Sin is humanity’s futile rebellion against the Kingdom of God. It is utterly missing the mark of what and who we were created to be (Matthew 22:37-40). Every human, except for one, has become enslaved to our own rebellious and wayward nature (Romans 3:9-18).

    We take the time to corporately confess our sin (1 John 1:8-10, Romans 10:8-13) in order to acknowledge our rebellious wills and wayward hearts. In doing so, we trust that we are becoming more acquainted with the Kingdom of Jesus, and we are reminded of our identity as the forgiven community. We believe in the forgiveness of sins. The Confession of Sin is solemn, but it also stands as a reminder of the mercy we have received in Christ Jesus.

  • Public Reading of the Psalms from the lectionary for this week:

  • Give some space for prayer, encouragement, and edification.

    • Teaching from this week’s Scripture reading.

    • Take time to pray for one another.

    • Encourage one another.

    • Bring something to edify the Church.

  • Receive the Lord's blessing as you are released into your ministry this week

    Numbers 6:24-26

    The Lord bless you and keep you;

    the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

    the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


Kids Scripture Work Page:

Feel free to use this page before/during House Church to support Kids to stay involved and understand the Scriptures as you read them together.

*Thanks Moffett House Church for making these!

Big Kid Page


River & Way Announcements:

  • Easter Sunday: Jesus’ resurrection from the grave is not only the center point for our Christian faith but is also the most significant moment in all of human history. Join us on Easter Sunday Morning, March 31st as we worship together!  All River & Way House Churches are meeting together at the Collective Venue Downtown at 10:00 AM. (931 19th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301)

  • We’re looking forward to the upcoming All Gathering on  April 7th at 4:30 PM at Westside Church (7300 Stockdale Highway)!


House Church Liturgy | March 24th


House Church Liturgy | March 10th